Insurance for More Profitable Business
Does your company have insurance and do you protect workers’ lives with insurance? For the people of Indonesia, especially for business holders and workers, the existence of company insurance now seems to be a basic necessity that must be owned. Because it is undeniable, as one of the non-bank financial institutions, insurance companies are known as one of the investments that can be relied upon to minimize a variety of unexpected events.
Imagine if your company could be more developed and have a safer future, surely you would be able to expand the business to a wider domain. To create that for your business, insurance companies like I-Select are needed as a tool to overcome the risk of Coverage limits for public liability insurance in Australia that will occur in the future, without disrupting the company’s financial system. Then, what are the benefits if you join insurance?
Company Insurance, Increase Employee Productivity
Employees are the most important assets of a company. Therefore, the protection of employees in a company is an important factor so that activities in the company can run effectively and efficiently. One way that can be done is to guarantee the welfare of their lives with company insurance. Not only provides positive benefits for the development of its business, insurance also provides many positive benefits for employees.
As if a guarantor of calm for both parties, insurance that not only bears the risks of the company, also contributes to the health and quality of life of workers. With insurance, workers will not be afraid to get health and treatment services.
Not only employees who get protection, but also families will receive benefits.
Corporate Insurance, Comfort for Business. In addition to being useful as financial planning, insurance is also required by employers to provide workers. In fact, many companies that in addition to providing government insurance programs, also provide life insurance options from private insurance companies. This is because the company realizes how important it is to ensure business continuity with planning that can function as a medium for risk transfer in the future. Aside from being a form of fulfillment of rights for employees, insurance also provides comfort for them. A sense of comfort will certainly produce a positive effect on performance. Employees will always be comfortable in working, so that the company will become more developed and advanced in the hands of productive and loyal employees.
One insurance company that is quite complete in providing a variety of benefits, one of which is Employer Liability Insurance. Insurance that provides protection for company liability to workers from lawsuits and unexpected compensation costs. This insurance guarantees the company from all claims by employees of the risk of injury or illness to the employee which causes costs. The superiority of Employers’ Liability Insurance is to provide premiums determined by calculating and considering the risks that will occur. In this case, several factors considered as consideration are the type of business, the estimated total annual salary of the number of employees, the number and citizenship of employees, and also the losses that have been suffered.
Provide maximum protection for the business you have and also employees. Because both are inseparable valuable assets. If you need further information or consulting services, please visit https://www.iselect.com.au.