Month: April 2021

Maximising Your Skills: In-Demand IT Services

With so much of the world overwhelmed with technology, there’s no surprise that IT services have increased. It’s a great profession to get into as so many individuals and businesses need help with their electronics. If you’re already in the industry, you may be looking to branch out into more services. One great way to see what’s in demand within IT services is looking at customer reviews.

Hasil gambar untuk Maximising Your Skills: In-Demand IT Services

There are a lot of people who only one IT service, so you’ll be widening your client base by adding more. Customer reviews of other companies are great to see what services are being used the most. If you are looking for a summary of some of the most sought-after IT services, you’re in luck. Below are just a few skills you could learn to maximise your service list.


A large number of companies have to collect customer information. This is incredibly sensitive data and needs to be protected. Data breaches where this information is exposed can bring bad press, which no business wants. There are few people trained in the field of cybersecurity. In the last year, the demand for security engineers has increased by 132%. Companies need to keep their network security tight, so it’s a great skill to have.

Mobile Application Developer 

Almost everyone nowadays owns a smartphone or some sort of device that stores applications. To develop these apps, you need to have a lot of know-how on the topic. Apps have become very popular as a way to sell products and services. Many companies want to have one created for their brand, which allows them to expand over platforms and reach out to more customers. An app can be easier access for some, so it’s a growing service.

Software Developer 

A software developer is responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining any software systems. Every company needs a website or some form of software to gain customers and keep the business running smoothly. In order to become a software developer, you need to know how to work with multiple programs so you can create websites and other software. Once you’re skilled in this, you’re set for gaining a lot of clients.

Desktop Support Professionals 

With technology, problems are bound to occur at some point. Someone could be in the middle of a big project when their system crashes. This is why desktop support professionals are so popular because they are the quickest way to get the problem sorted. You’ll need the know-how on all technical issues to be able to help many different companies. It’s a service that will never die out.

It’s now time to broaden your skill-set and take up one of these in-demand services. These are just a few out there and since technology is expanding every day, they’ll be wanted for a long time. It’ll help you maximise your income adding a few extra services on to your list. All you have to do is find the right fit for you and … Read More

Things to know and do in order to become a better manager

At one point or the other, we all handled a particular office that saw to the smooth running of other sub-offices. Well, if you didn’t, maybe you limited the office to only those known with plenty of files on the desk, a secretary to attend to us and ourselves dressed in a suit with a bag or briefcase.

That notwithstanding, from the smooth running of the home to the coordination of the classroom, they all deal on taking care that all things are in order and all parts perform their functions and that in simpliciter is what a manager does, making sure that everyone and everything is in order. But then, delineating it to the business and finance perspective, we still need to know who a manager is in that perspective, what are the dos and don’ts that makes a manager a good manager.

Hasil gambar untuk Things to know and do in order to become a better manager

Who is a manager

The English dictionary defines a manager to be one whose job is to manage something, such as a business, a restaurant, or a sports team. Put more succinctly, Managers are responsible for the processes of getting activities completed efficiently with and through other people and setting and achieving the firm’s goals through the execution of four basic management functions: planning, organizing, leading and controlling. From the above, a manager achieves goals through other people’s efforts (employees) and he does this because he listens to them. Thus, listening to customers and employees is one of the many characteristics that make a good manager.

Listening to customers

It is the customers that majorly determine the success of any business. Of course, customers are majorly influenced by the quality and affordability of your product as well as the way your employees respond to them making all of those important as well. However, when your customers are happy with your business, they will always come back and bring more. The reverse will be the case when they are not happy. Based on this, it is important to listen to your customers. One of the best ways to listen to your customers is reading reviews that they have left for you on reviews platforms like


Listening to your employees

For an efficient running of a business, you should endeavor to listen to your employees. This act of listening creates a harmonious environment because psychologists have proven that everyone loves to be listened to at one time or the other. Aside from that, better listening to your employees gives you an awareness of their strengths and weaknesses, makes you know what their thoughts are, and creates a better relationship between you and them which is highly beneficial for your business.


Manage by Trust, not by fear

A healthy workplace is one where the key element is trust, while where fear predominates is a fear-based workplace. You’ll see employees run away from a place that is managed by fear.

Where managers use the power of their position to control their team. Management by fear is simply not a … Read More

Impact of Covid-19 on seaports & how maritime industry adapted to it

COVID-19 had a huge impact on corporate industries, affecting them badly. Seaports and the maritime industry was no exception. The pandemic made seaports and the marine industry face the worst conditions. The industry came to halt completely due to the rise in infections because of COVID-19. Due to the possible contamination of the viruses through cargos, the ships were made to stand still for a quarantine period (period of isolation). The global maritime industry was affected throughout the pandemic. Major import and exports chains faced drastic downfalls. At the same time, several countries imposed a ban on the entry of vessels and containers through other ports, especially that those of China’s ( because as we all know the origin of the virus was from China). Some of the challenges faced by seaports and the marine industry are disclosed below:

How COVID-19 is affecting the shipping industry - and how to navigate  through the storm - The Greencarrier blog

Closing of Seaports:

After the immediate effects of quarantine, all seaports got closed to ensure the well being of port workers. Trade ban was imposed on the ships of various countries which also created chaos. Certain countries banned vessels from entering their ports leaving them nowhere in the middle of the seas. The whole situation caused global mayhem among the marine transport industry.

Less demand for cargos:

The countries tried their best to avoid the risk of spreading COVID-19. Certain new standard instructions were imposed by these countries which limited the transportation of cargos by sea. The continuous postponement of the delivery reduced the demand for shipments.

Disputes between owners and charters:

Due to the increasing loss of money and time between both parties, the tussle of the carters and owners was on the rise. With time, this dispute became much worse.

Discussion on pandemic clauses:

A new ruling has been added as a clause while forming new contracts between charters and ship owners. Both parties wanted to add infectious disease guidelines and directives in their new and existing contracts to be safe. Adding the clause also led to disagreements between the litigants.

The bankruptcy of small companies:

Small companies engaged in the marine and transport business had gone bankrupt due to the pandemic. The inaptitude of handling the accounting of the company led them to bankruptcy. COVID-19 had impacted a lot of small companies, even forcing them to shut down their businesses completely.

Responses to the pandemic:

When the crisis was sky high, the maritime and transport industry adapted new methods like reducing costs, implementing strict discipline, and cutting capacity to preserve profits. As a result of which despite the depressing demands, the freight level remained the same. Although the shippers had to face issues like delayed delivery dates, space limitations of transportable goods.

To cope with the pandemic situation, the whole industry tried to adjust its safety protocols, finances, operations and working practices. Governments also intervened using the port authorities, custom administrator and border authorities. They reformed the whole transport business and guidelines, keeping the trade going as well as looking after the industry workers.

Harnessing the digital transformation:

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