5 Ways You Can Use Email Marketing to Get Loyal Readers
While people still buy billboards, you are going to find more and more people are transitioning to advertising and marketing online. Digital marketing has proven to be very effective in the different mediums that are used. Email marketing has started to fade to the back, but not with good reason. Many people have not been using their email campaigns as effectively as they could be due to the fact that they’ve been distracted by shiny objects.
While social media and other platforms for advertising online are great and can be effective, if you don’t remember to put email marketing in the mix, you are missing out.
Is Email Marketing Dead?
If you think that email marketing is dead, think again. More than 85% of adults in the US send and read email. That’s a big percentage of people to get in front of your content and even though teens are on social media apps all of the time, 78% of them use email as well. As you can tell, email is not going anywhere. While one social media platform might be here today and gone tomorrow, email won’t be leaving us any time soon.
This is why it is important to use the best email marketing services to get your message out to the people that want to hear from you. If you aren’t building an email list, you should start today so you can begin to build this valuable asset.
1. Know Who Your Audience Is
When you are sending emails, you wouldn’t send the same email to a 26-year-old single mom as you would to a 47-year-old dad that loves to hunt. These two people are sure to have very different interests. If you talk to either one of these people in the other’s language, you are going to get more than an eyebrow raise before they send you to spam or unsubscribe.
If you are one of the marketers that use the spray and pray method, you are missing out in this day and age. People don’t even see half of their emails let alone read emails that are not tailored to them. If you don’t pay attention to who you are talking to, you are likely to miss the mark.
You should know what your target audience likes, dislikes and most of all, you should know what they need so that you can offer that to them. Instead of flying in the dark, if you don’t know, you can send a survey and see what they are interested in now so you can still continue to be a resource.
2. Research & Do Better
Once you’ve sent a few emails, you’ve got some data. What has your list responded to? You can tell this by your open rate statistics, click through rates and your conversions. Take a look at these metrics and optimize your email campaign with the information that you acquired.
You can also segment you list to the people that open your emails … Read More