Understanding Business plan

Business plan or who is often referred to as the business plan is a business plan documents prepared by a person or group of persons before establishing a business / company.

A good business plan can be made by completing the description of the company that we are building as well as various aspects of it, including financial and development prospects in the future.

The aspects that must exist in a business proposal or business plan is the executive summary, company description, target market, business analysis, marketing planning, operations, development planning, as well as financially. For those of you who want to design a business proposal can listen to our article titled sample business plan framework.

Benefits Business Plan
From the definition above business plan we can know that the business plan drawn up by a person with a specific purpose. The benefits of business plans, among others are as follows:

As a business plan
Useful as a business plan where the business plan when someone arranged with the aim to plan a business idea that will do. With this planning business at least we will be more focused and targeted or market share.

It then makes a good business plan should be an important and valuable documents. Because if the business plan is made strictly in accordance with the circumstances and conditions of the person’s stay followed step by step in such planning.

In a business plan, of course, there is a vision that should be achieved through a variety of missions. It will be required to run in a step to run the business.

As the proposal Enterprises
Business plan serves as a business proposal when arranged in order to attract investors or in fundraising. We need to know that an investor will provide funding only if the business idea you’re proposing is a business idea in the future prospects.

In other words, an investor will provide funds if later he will get the promised benefits of such cooperation. This then requires the person to make the executive summary on the front page of the business plan and financial analysis / financial overcooked including what time period your company will achieve Break Efent Point (BEP) or return on investment as well as the percentage of profit sharing after the business is running.

As a business analysis
In addition to both of the above business plan can also be used as a business analysis to determine the prospects of the business perkembagan in the future.

We need to know that our efforts in conducting the analysis may not be as good as themselves determine the future business prospects just from sheer instinct melain requires foresight and the facts on the ground that Ada.

For example, when we want to set up a rental business futsal field we should not assume that the business has a good prospect of seeing the same business as the number of visitors and customers a lot. Determining the future prospects of the business we can do by way of exploration and servey to the area where the business is going to do.

With the analysis of these efforts later we will know how much capital we need and how long it will return capital as well as how many customers in at least one month in order to realize the plan.