Things to know and do in order to become a better manager
At one point or the other, we all handled a particular office that saw to the smooth running of other sub-offices. Well, if you didn’t, maybe you limited the office to only those known with plenty of files on the desk, a secretary to attend to us and ourselves dressed in a suit with a bag or briefcase.
That notwithstanding, from the smooth running of the home to the coordination of the classroom, they all deal on taking care that all things are in order and all parts perform their functions and that in simpliciter is what a manager does, making sure that everyone and everything is in order. But then, delineating it to the business and finance perspective, we still need to know who a manager is in that perspective, what are the dos and don’ts that makes a manager a good manager.
Who is a manager
The English dictionary defines a manager to be one whose job is to manage something, such as a business, a restaurant, or a sports team. Put more succinctly, Managers are responsible for the processes of getting activities completed efficiently with and through other people and setting and achieving the firm’s goals through the execution of four basic management functions: planning, organizing, leading and controlling. From the above, a manager achieves goals through other people’s efforts (employees) and he does this because he listens to them. Thus, listening to customers and employees is one of the many characteristics that make a good manager.
Listening to customers
It is the customers that majorly determine the success of any business. Of course, customers are majorly influenced by the quality and affordability of your product as well as the way your employees respond to them making all of those important as well. However, when your customers are happy with your business, they will always come back and bring more. The reverse will be the case when they are not happy. Based on this, it is important to listen to your customers. One of the best ways to listen to your customers is reading reviews that they have left for you on reviews platforms like
Listening to your employees
For an efficient running of a business, you should endeavor to listen to your employees. This act of listening creates a harmonious environment because psychologists have proven that everyone loves to be listened to at one time or the other. Aside from that, better listening to your employees gives you an awareness of their strengths and weaknesses, makes you know what their thoughts are, and creates a better relationship between you and them which is highly beneficial for your business.
Manage by Trust, not by fear
A healthy workplace is one where the key element is trust, while where fear predominates is a fear-based workplace. You’ll see employees run away from a place that is managed by fear.
Where managers use the power of their position to control their team. Management by fear is simply not a successful strategy in business. You do not have to be such a kind of manager. Because no business can afford to lose a team member, so let it be the trust that keeps the team together and not fear.
A manager is like the commander in a battlefront. Alone he cannot defeat the enemy but with the assistance of the whole army, he is sure to win. Thus, a manager should always treat his employees as humans, with respect and dignity.