New Features Show How CXZ Telematics Cuts Fleet Costs for Businesses


MELBOURNE, Australia — Vehicles that sit idle cost businesses money, but new features at show how CXZ Telematics can improve utilization. The cloud-based CXZ Telematics vehicle tracking system also makes it easy for businesses to focus fleet activities on areas of greatest need, improving customer service. Improved safety that results from monitoring driver behavior also cuts costs and protects hard-earned brand image, while instant service and maintenance notifications help keep every vehicle in prime shape. As the newly published resources at make clear, CXZ Telematics is a powerful tool whose many benefits no business with vehicles to manage will want to do without.

“Managing an active fleet has traditionally involved a lot of hard work, along with plenty of uncertainty and unwanted surprises often cropping up along the way,” said a CXZ Telematics representative, “Our cloud-based vehicle tracking and management system shows how much better things can be. CXZ Telematics users enjoy real-time tracking and reporting that contribute directly to lower costs, improved vehicle reliability, and better results of all kinds. We’ve just updated our website with new resources that show the difference CXZ Telematics can make, and we think visitors are going to be impressed.”

There were more than 18 million registered vehicles on Australia’s roads at the beginning of last year, according to the most recent census taken by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Of these, around 3.8 million were trucks used primarily for commercial purposes, with millions of passenger vehicles also being owned and operated by businesses.

Whether for a small company that runs a pair of hatchbacks for local deliveries or a large operation that maintains a fleet of hundreds of large trucks, the costs associated with the commercial operation of vehicles are almost always significant. As a highly affordable, fully integrated fleet management system, CXZ Telematics can help companies of any scale cut these costs while realizing many other benefits at the same time.

New resources at the CXZ Telematics website at delve into the many ways by which the system can make fleet management more efficient and productive. From cutting costs by improving fleet utilization and reliability to improving customer service, safety, OH&S compliance, and other key metrics, the customizable, cloud-based CXZ Telematics platform delivers a wide range of powerful advantages to users.

About CXZ Telematics:
Offering access to a full range of vehicle analytics from a single, central access point, cloud-based CXZ Telematics is a comprehensive fleet management solution.

Advanced reading: my review here