Short Course on Checks – Getting to Square 1

Why Employment Background Checks Are Important

It is almost a puzzle to see several employees taking employment background checks with simplicity it does not deserve. This is possible because they believe that the law is tight enough to prevent criminal activities and the applicants are persons of high integrity. Though this has some practical elements, its application is limited.At times, things may go hay way. Employment background checks are warranted for varied reasons.

Criminal history tops among the reasons why people take these employment checks. In 2005, a survey was done and showed that above 2.3 percent of business suffers co-worker involve of 0.6 to 8.1% for companies with 250 or less employees. Firms with over 1000 employees experienced workers violence of over 34.1%. Assaults accounted for more than 13% of workplace fatalities. Businesses do not wish that this happen. An employer has therefore to take mitigating measures against employing violent employees or those that have criminal tracks.

Protecting other employees and customers is another critical importance of background checking employees. Some characters have evil minds and will take such actions like killing, harming and insulting with ease. Keeping a harmonious pace in the office requires that there be no such characters. The noble duty extends to protection of the company clients. There is a case of a health service provider who has hired a home based caretaker for a 32-year-old woman. To start with, the person committed a financial crime. Since the sick woman realized this crime, the attendant had to act to hide evidence an action he did by killing the woman. A business puts its customers and employees at risk should unscreened employees turn out to be evil.

The third reason to hire employment background checkers is to protect client and company privacy. TThis is essential for firms that deal with private and confidential data such as security, health, and finance. A certain VIP who was in need of a person guard hired an unchecked officer. On the backside of it, this officer was a part of a criminal network which terrorized the residents of the area. This spelled doom for the VIP as he was kidnapped and confidential information taken. Thorough background checking of employee integrity needs to be done.

It has also been researched and shown that 40% of the resumes contains incorrect information. Some employees deliberately include false declaration and qualifications to make their resumes more impressive. An employee background check helps the company to verify that the applicants has the academic credentials claimed, has certifications and licenses and is one who he./she claims to be.

Reference: Short Course on Checks – What You Need To Know