Appropriate Behaviors While Attempting to Secure Child Custody
A parent who fears losing the battle for child custody as a contentious divorce looms on the horizon will want to visit a website such as www.thetexasdivorcelawyer.com and begin the process of hiring an attorney. When crucial issues are at stake, the person wants to be sure he or she has excellent legal representation. This parent also will want to learn the main factors involved in judicial decisions about custody and to be proactive about presenting the most positive impression.
A firm such as the Law Office of Julie Johnson can provide counsel on how parents should behave when they face a fight over child custody. Self-control is essential in all areas of life during these proceedings. The client must avoid acrimonious encounters with the spouse and stay calm, even if the spouse is being argumentative or offensive. Self-control in regard to romantic relationships is also essential. Although there may be a strong temptation to begin a new relationship, it’s best to wait until the custody matter is entirely settled. The other parent’s lawyer could present a new romance in a very negative light.
Staying calm in various situations is vital for maintaining a good reputation and impressing the family court judge. The parent definitely does not need witnesses stating that they saw an outburst of rage or melodrama anywhere in public. The individual must have a calm demeanor in any court hearings or other appearances, and should avoid meltdowns when unexpectedly encountering the spouse in public.
Supporting the children’s relationship with the other parent will be viewed positively by the court, unless there is strong evidence that parent is unfit. Otherwise, it’s best to encourage visitation and not make any disparaging remarks about the spouse in front of the kids. Family court judges may consider disruptive influences as a red flag, and that can strongly work against the parent trying to gain full physical custody. It should also be noted that courts increasingly encourage divorced parents to share custody, even if shared physical custody is not possible or feasible. Again, unless the other parent is unfit, the court will expect both individuals to be fully involved in their youngsters’ lives.