Tips on Being Tested For STDs
A known fact is that when going for STD testing, everything is a variable and things from the wait time, the needle size, the friendliness of the reception and even the smell of the waiting room. At times, the experience can be good whereas other times it is not that pleasant, but there are some guidelines that the person can follow.
The person should not look at the needle because it is never a pleasant experience no matter how tough the person is thus the person should focus on something else or opt to talk to the person that is drawing their blood. If the individual is doing a urine test then drinking water will help the person to supply the urine and ease with the blood test and the more the person is hydrated, the easier it is to get a vein.
Other people experience nausea when withdrawing blood, and if the individual is hungry or they had a poor meal, then their stomach could feel worse. It is good to state that the person needs to get some food and they can even bring some crackers to be eaten after the appointment plus eating will help the person avoid getting cranky that can be ugly during a clinic visit.
The truth is that if the client is a woman, they need to go to for testing when they are not having their periods because when a woman is menstruating the iron levels decrease which may cause the person to feel nausea and a feeling of weakness if they are to have their blood drawn. If it can be arranged, the person can reschedule the appointment.
The individual needs to know what they are testing for and how they will receive their results and most STDs like Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Trichomoniasis and HIV the person can get results back after a couple of days. The individual needs to ask what they are being tested for and they also have a right to request for any test that they think is important and then ask how they will receive the results either by a letter, a phone call or any other method. It is good to note that the person also needs to ask if they can call in for the results if they do not have a phone number that they can be reached at and then make sure that they follow through.
It is good to state that the person needs to avoid paying attention to what other people may be thinking because in as much as the person may feel like everyone knows and is judging them but this is not the case.