Floridasmedicalmarijuana.com Explain About Efficacy of Marijuana To Treat Various Diseases

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Many research found the efficacy of cannabis to help diabetics. The American Alliance for Medical Cannabis (AAMC) suggests 9 properties of marijuana for people with diabetes, namely:

  1. Balancing blood sugar (based on the personal journal diabetics).
  2. Relieve nerve inflammation of the arteries that commonly experienced by people with diabetes.
  3. Effect neuroprotective which prevent inflammation and reduce pain in the nerves.
  4. The anti-spasmodic agent that helps reduce muscle spasms and pain from stomach pain disorders.
  5. Serve as a vasodilator that keeping blood vessels open and improve blood circulation.
  6. Keep it low blood pressure where it is most vital for diabetics.
  7. Can be used as a cream warmers that help relieve pain in the nerves and tingling in the hands and feet.
  8. Consuming cannabis butter and oil can improve heart health.
  9. Marijuana helps relieve diabetic Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS); disruption of the shock-absorber legs during sleep.

Further research recently carried out last year by a group of researchers from the United States. The researchers examined 4,657 men and women through the National Health and Nutrition Examinations Survey (NHANES) between 2005 and 2010. Subjects were currently using cannabis showed lower levels of fasting insulin and insulin resistance than those who never or sometimes using marijuana. Cannabis users also have a smaller waist circumference and HDL cholesterol levels were higher than those who never or occasional use of cannabis.