Employee Fulfillment Approach
A team’s success depends upon its members passion for their work. Their eagerness to get to work, their excitement to participate and the care they take to complete projects. This extends itself to being respectful and considerate of other team members. The team encourages one another to succeed which benefits their work.
A team that is handled well and is driven by a positive, holistic approach that ensure the well-being of team members is bound to outlast any other team, output a high quality of work and experience higher employee satisfaction and loyalty. The Business Leadership book calls this approach a Employee Fulfillment.
The Business Leadership book calls managers who focus on their team’s fulfillment as fulfillment focused managers. They believe in ensuring that their employees are in sync with their passion, values and strengths and do their best work with as much independence as possible.
Fulfillment-focused managers have a better chance of retaining employees who output a high quality of work compared to Performance-focused managers whose employees are under so much pressure that they are often overwhelmed and the teams experience a high turnover rate costing the company revenue.
The Business Leadership books describes another type of manager, the Performance-focused managers who use the old way of micro-managing and controlling their employees with the hope that it will have them work faster for more output.
There’s a solely outcome based focus. Their only concern is that employees are meeting their quotas. If not, the manager takes it upon themselves to cajole, micromanage, force or monitor employees to carry out their work. This puts extreme pressure on the employee, the manager and the team. It leads to an unhappy team and employees who simply do the bare minimum and dash out of there the minute ‘home-time’ comes calling.
Managers who focus on the fulfillment of their team build successful teams with happy employees who are eager to contribute and own their projects. Their team members go the extra mile with regards to their work.
Evidence shows that when employees are fulfilled, they perform better, in fact they outperform, exceed expectations and easily meet deadlines and quotas.. Fulfillment-focused managers focus on helping each member of their team tap into what fulfills them, whether the team is growing, taps into each member’s strengths and creating a great work experience .
There is a misconception that force is the only way to get maximum performance out of an employee. While this may work, it often results in late deadlines, employee burnout, high employee turnover rate. Like the story of the goose with the golden egg, most people understand that killing the goose stops its egg production, but pressuring it will slow down production and dry it up.
On the other hand a happy goose that is treated well will lay golden eggs for far much longer and faster and higher in number than one that is mistreated. Fulfillment managers understand this and treat their employees well.
A fulfillment focused approach focuses on helping the employee tap into the things that fulfill them, helping them reconnect with their work on a personal and passionate level.
Employees that are fulfilled are bound to make better choices outside work too.. They look at their work as a critical part of who they are and appreciate the purpose it serves.
They also take the time to recharge so that they can get back to what they love.Every manager must stop and ask themselves whether they are leading a performance of fulfillment strategy with their team and reconsider if not to ensure maximum success.