3 Skills You Need to Become a Front-End Developer
If you want to change careers or improve your skills in the current career field, tech skills are things you can do quickly. Apart from three main reasons such as higher pay, creative work, and flexible schedules, there are many other reasons why working in the technology is very interesting.
Studying front-end development is the fastest way for a career in technology. You will have specific basic skills that make you attractive to the company, but these skills are also quite extensive so you still have many job choices. If you are still in doubt, Scottsdale SEO Company LinkHelpers can help you in learning tech skills especially as a web designer. Believe me, the demand for work for front-end developers is very large.
For some people, the above is enough to make them sure to start learning coding. But it would be better if you can visualize things specifically before you start something. An overview of what skills you need to become a front-end developer will certainly be very helpful.
You will be familiar with the terms above when you start learning tech skills. To make it easier for you, here are some important skills needed for each front-end developer.
These two things always exist in the qualifications of front-end developer jobs.
Let’s see and understand the meaning:
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language used to create web pages. Markup language is a way to make notes in digital documents. HTML is the most basic thing you need to develop a website.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a programming language used to represent HTML files that you have created. HTML functions to build the foundation of your website, while CSS is used to manage website layout, colors, fonts, and all other styles.
Both of these programming languages are basic skills that are very important for a front-end developer. In short, without HTML and CSS, there will be no web development.
2. JavaScript / jQuery
One other basic tool for front-end development is JavaScript. JavaScript determines the functions that are on a website.
If you only want to build a simple website, then HTML and CSS are enough. But if you need interactive features like audio, video, games or animation, you need JavaScript to implement it.
In JavaScript, there are libraries for various plug-ins and extensions called jQuery. jQuery makes using JavaScript faster and easier. Common tasks that must be written in rows of code in JavaScript, can be written with only one line of code using jQuery.
3. CSS and JavaScript Framework
Isn’t CSS and JavaScript discussed above?
Yeah right, but you need to know that CSS and JavaScript are a big part of front-end development so that it will become the basis of other skills you need. CSS and JavaScript frameworks are collections of CSS or JavaScript files that help you perform certain tasks through the distribution of common functionality. For example, when you log in to a website or search for a blog, you don’t get an empty document text, there is already a JavaScript code in it.
Each framework has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is important to choose the right framework in accordance with the type of website you will create. Some JavaScript frameworks are very good for creating complex interfaces, while other frameworks are better used when you want to create a more minimalist website.
You can also use multiple frameworks simultaneously. For example what is commonly done is combining Bootstrap with AngularJS. Website content is regulated by Angular, while the display by Bootstrap.
You will always work using CSS and JavaScript, therefore, mastering existing frameworks will make you a more efficient developer.